We’ve done some research into how visible our scene actually is. We’ve counted the countries of origin of artists who released 100 most recent podcasts for Resident Advisor, Fact Magazine and Crack Magazine
One of our main goals as a collective is sharing knowledge and educating each other. Through free resources we are sharing research and tutorials we have worked on over the years.

Same Baby
“Same baby” is a response to the question that we’ve heard a lot from bookers: “Why do so few women play shows in Poland?” It’s a project that’s aiming to increase visibility of female DJs who live or come from Poland. The list includes people who identify as girls, non-binary people, trans and femme.

Heroines of sound
Together with Glissando magazine we present a series of interviews with Polish women working with sound – artists who deal not only with music or sound art but also educational engineering and technology, collaborating with the biggest Polish festivals.

Poradnik CDJ
Jeśli zamierzasz spróbować swoich sił jako osoba DJska lub jesteś już początkującą DJką/DJem i potrzebujesz wiedzy na temat obsługi CDJ to nasz poradnik pomoże Ci w twojej pracy.