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Ahead of the discussion on Eastern European scene at Unsound Festival 2022 we did again some research into how visible Eastern European scene actually is. We counted the countries of origin of artists who released podcasts for Resident Advisor, Factmag and Crackmagazine (from July 2020 till September 2022).

Our findings state as follows: Resident dvisor released only 2 podcasts by artists from Eastern Europe, Crackmagazine released 6 mixes by Eastern Europeans and Factmag released 2 mixes by Eastern Europeans. We would like to stress that none of these podcasts were made by Ukrainian artists.

While podcasts aren’t festival bookings and they don’t come with any kind of financial burden, why do international magazines still promote people from one or two regions? As shown above, the strong dichotomy between the “Western” and “Eastern” parts of Europe is still more than present.


We’ve done some research into how visible our scene actually is. We’ve counted the countries of origin of artists who released 100 most recent podcasts for Resident Advisor, Fact Magazine and Crack Magazine (by 10/07/20).

Resident Advisor released only 4 podcasts by artists from Eastern Europe, Crack Magazine released 6 mixes by Eastern Europeans and Fact Magazine released 2 mixes by Eastern Europeans. While podcasts aren’t festival bookings and they don’t come with any kind of financial burden, why do international magazines still promote people from one or two regions?